DOSC TWiki snapshot as of mid-2005



The "Declining Balance Account" (did I get the Acronym correct?) or DBA, is one of the the different accounts on the Dartmouth Card.

Unlike the rest of the accounts, DBA:

Isn't that just great?

From what I've heard, the DBA account is set up this way because DDS is being supported by Dartmouth -- it just can't stay afloat, and it needs all the money it can get.


Additional Information

Also, you can't:

I believe that all of these restrictions are in place because a person's DBA might be funded (at least in part) by Federal Financial Aid Funds.


Oh -- and you can't use DBA to buy playing cards? or dice, either. (must not like gambling... :^)

RobinsonTryon - 16 Feb 2003