DOSC TWiki snapshot as of mid-2005
I didn't like, or really understand :), the default redhat iptables script, so I started my own in perl. I have a feeling perl was wild overkill, but whatever. This understands a very simple configuration file; here is mine:
#####################BEGIN################## iptables "/sbin/iptables" tcp_public "22,113" udp_public "" tcp_dartmouth "913" udp_dartmouth "" tcp_reject_public "1080" udp_reject_public "" tcp_reject_dartmouth "445" udp_reject_dartmouth "" dartmouth "" ntp_conf "/etc/ntp.conf" open_ntp true ################END####################The location for this is /etc/sysconfig/iptablesnew. This example allows connections to 22 and 113 tcp from anywhere, to 913 tcp from only, and sends tcp rsts on 1080 from everywhere, and 445 from only. It also makes appropriate rules for
server xxxxx
lines in /etc/ntp.conf. The code is super super alpha and maybe doesn't even work; it's more for people to comment on/add to at this point.
Hint: set iptables to "/bin/echo" to test it.
Ok, the attachment mechanism baffles me so I'm going to post this thing directly:
########################BEGIN######################### #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; sub true () {1}; sub false () {undef}; %ENV=(); usage() unless @ARGV == 1; our $config_file = "/etc/sysconfig/iptablesnew"; our %config; for (qw/iptables tcp_public udp_public tcp_dartmouth udp_dartmouth tcp_reject_public tcp_reject_dartmouth udp_reject_public udp_reject_dartmouth dartmouth ntp_conf open_ntp/) { no strict 'refs'; *$_ = \$config{$_}; } our $iptables; our $tcp_public; our $udp_public; our $tcp_dartmouth; our $udp_dartmouth; our $tcp_reject_public; our $tcp_reject_dartmouth; our $udp_reject_public; our $udp_reject_dartmouth; our $dartmouth; our $ntp_conf; our $open_ntp; our %funcs = ( start => \&start, stop => \&stop, restart => \&restart, #save => \&save ); our $command = shift; #($command) = $command =~ /(.*)/; usage() unless exists $funcs{$command}; load(); exit $funcs{$command}->(); no strict 'vars'; sub start { flush(); print "Starting iptables: "; my @lines = ( "$iptables -N ALF", "$iptables -N ALF-TCP", "$iptables -N ALF-UDP", "$iptables -N ALF-ICMP", "$iptables -N ALF-OTHER", "$iptables -A INPUT -j ALF", "$iptables -A ALF -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT", "$iptables -A ALF -i lo -j ACCEPT", "$iptables -A ALF -p tcp -j ALF-TCP", "$iptables -A ALF -p udp -j ALF-UDP", "$iptables -A ALF -p icmp -j ALF-ICMP", "$iptables -A ALF -j ALF-OTHER", ); my $alf_tcp = "-A ALF-TCP -p tcp --syn"; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_tcp -m multiport --dports $tcp_public -j ACCEPT" if $tcp_public; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_tcp -s $dartmouth -m multiport --dports $tcp_dartmouth -j ACCEPT" if $tcp_dartmouth; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_tcp -m multiport --dports $tcp_reject_public -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset" if $tcp_reject_public; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_tcp -s $dartmouth -m multiport --dports $tcp_reject_dartmouth -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset" if $tcp_reject_public; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_tcp -j DROP"; my $alf_udp = "-A ALF-UDP -p udp"; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_udp -m multiport --dports $udp_public -j ACCEPT" if $udp_public; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_udp -s $dartmouth -m multiport --dports $udp_dartmouth -j ACCEPT" if $udp_dartmouth; if ($open_ntp) { for my $server (parse_ntp()) { push @lines, "$iptables $alf_udp -s $server --sport ntp --dport ntp -j ACCEPT"; } } push @lines, "$iptables $alf_udp -m multiport --dports $udp_reject_public -j REJECT" if $udp_reject_public; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_udp -s $dartmouth -m multiport --dports $udp_reject_dartmouth -j REJECT" if $udp_reject_dartmouth; push @lines, "$iptables $alf_udp -j DROP"; push @lines, ( "$iptables -A ALF-ICMP -j DROP", "$iptables -A ALF-OTHER -j DROP", ); lockme(); my $ret = 0; for (@lines) { system $_; $ret += $? >> 8; } if ($ret == 0) { success(); return 0; } else { failure(); return 1; } } sub parse_ntp { open(IN, '<', $ntp_conf) or return; my @ret; while (<IN>) { push @ret, $1 if (/^\s*?server\s+?(\S+)/); } close IN; return @ret; } sub flush { open (IN, '<', "/proc/net/ip_tables_names") or warn "Can't open /proc/net/ip_tables_names: $!\n", return 1; my @tables = <IN>; close IN; print "Flushing rulesets: "; my $ret = 0; for (@tables) { chomp; system $iptables, '-t', $_, '-F'; $ret = $? >> 8; last unless $ret == 0; system $iptables, '-t', $_, '-X'; $ret = $? >> 8; last unless $ret == 0; } $ret == 0 ? success() : failure(); return $ret; } sub stop { unlock(); flush() == 0 ? 0 : 1; } sub restart { if (stop() == 0) { return start(); } else { return 1; } } sub success { system("source /etc/init.d/functions; success"); print "\n"; } sub failure { system("source /etc/init.d/functions; failure"); print "\n"; } sub lockme { open(OUT, '>>', "/var/lock/subsys/iptables"); close OUT; } sub unlock { unlink "/var/lock/subsys/iptables"; } sub usage { warn "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}\n"; exit 1; } sub load { print "Reading iptables configuration: "; open(IN, '<', $config_file) or failure(), die "$0: Can't open $config_file for reading: $!\n"; while (<IN>) { chomp; next if /^\s*$/; next if /^\s*#/; my ($k, $v) = split ' ', $_, 2; next unless defined $k && defined $v; $config{$k} = eval $v; failure(), die "$0: Reading $config_file: $@\n" if $@; } close IN; success(); } ############################END######################AlexFerguson - 21 Mar 2003