This page will hopefully provide you with the right answers.
ECO has a page here ( that provides a cursory list of items that can be recycled on our campus. But it would be nice to have more information.
So this page should give you information on what can/can't be recycled, and maybe where you have to take the stuff to get it recycled.
KEY for "bin types":
- WasteWarriors? -- the green metal "recycling centers" that are in most dorms and a few other buildings
- HOP -- refers to the bins in the HOP near the Hinman Boxes
- Can/Bottle Bins -- Some are the new rectangular-type, and some are older (grey plastic trash-cans with lids that have 3 can-sized holes). You can put both aluminum cans and plastic drink bottles (#1) in them.
Paper Goods
- white paper? -- WasteWarriors?, HOP
- mixed paper? -- HOP
- newspaper, phone books? -- WasteWarriors?, HOP
- corrugated cardboard? -- ?
- paperboard (the stuff that cereal boxes? are made of) --- ???
- Aluminum cans? -- WasteWarriors?, CanBins?
- NOTE: you can recycle just about any other waste aluminum in the same bin.
- Tin cans? (steel, actually) -- ??
- Mixed Glass? -- WasteWarriors?,
- No need to sort the glass
- Lightbulbs, window glass?
- #1 (PETE) -- WasteWarriors?, CanBins?
- #2 (HPDE) -- ??
- #3 - #7 plastics.
- DDS to-go containers (they're #6 (PolyStyrene?) plastic)
- Plastic silverware (usually #__ or #__ )
- Clean, wearable items -- ???
- clothing will go to the Listen Center? or a similar place.
- Worn-out, torn, etc... -- ??
- This clothing can be recycled for fibers (to make rags, etc..)
Videotapes, CDs, DVDs, diskettes, etc..
- Videotapes, CDs, DVDs, diskettes -- HOP
- (A bin for these things just showed up in the HOP -- always great to offer more recycling!)
- Personally-owned equipment -- ??
- You could donate your computer to WinCycle? (local non-profit that gives them to schools, etc..)
- College-owned equipment -- reclamation & (or something like that)
Other Common Items
- Batteries -- Small White Bins (about 5gal or so -- often near a WasteWarrior?)
- (Any idea what kinds of batteries we do/don't recycle?)
- Styrofoam Peanuts? -- ?? (HOP maybe)
- Did you know that some packaging peanuts? are now made of starch? If you aren't sure, just put one under some water... if it gets mushy and disolves, you can recycle the peanuts under water (it's fun!)
- Laser Toner Cartridges? -- ??
Random Stuff
- Paint -- if you have large quantities, talk to Woody Eckels?
- Bicycles -- ??
- Motor Oil?
for more information on recycling, etc.. see the
ECO page.
RobinsonTryon - 24 Feb 2003