The software choices for the Zaurus are pretty nice.
We have Opera for the webbrowser, and a number of other tools.
My friends suggest that I put on the terminal application (so that I have
real power).
Oh, one quick gripe/question: you can share groups between the calendar and the tasklist, but can you cross-list things between the two?
Example: (my real schedule..)
Let's say that:
- i have a summary and a maya model due tues for cs43.
- i have homework due wed for cs49, math71, and math25.
- i have a midterm due wed for math71, and a midterm due friday for math25.
- i have a presentation on thursday for cs43
- i have a meeting for linux stuff on tuesday.
Now today (monday), i want to see
- what homework I have due wed.
- what homework I have due from now until wed.
- what homework I have due between wed and fri.
- what homework I have due for cs43 this week
that should all be possible, eh?
RobinsonTryon - 21 Oct 2002