DOSC TWiki snapshot as of mid-2005




I'll fill in the information about the meeting when Jeff Goddard emails it out to linux users.

Stuff to do and Notes

I'm going to put up some of the current stuff that we're working on this week. Hopefully I can get some of it done and sent out to the list.

Name of our group --- DONE -(submit to linux users)

Yes, we just sat down and decided on DOSC, Dartmouth Open Source Consortium?. If you don't like it, complain loudly on linux users and we'll listen to you.

Pronounciation: Perhaps it rhymes with "bossy" or is like "Dusk" but with an "O" instead of a "U". thoughts?

Mascot/Logo --- PEER REVIEW

we need one, and I'll send a URL with some sketches of examples that we came up with in the meeting.

== UPDATE ==: images are on DLG Logo Page at the top

projects and services

-- Jabber --- CODING

Jared and I Robinson Tryon am working on getting Jabber to work with LDAP. We're really close, honest!

== UPDATE == trying to get done this weekend.

-- Mailing lists --- READY

Goddard on top of this -- he's got some ready to go on penguin1 and we'll start using them perhaps during the next week. We also need to figure out what to do with the bulletin and with the list.

(need to make sure that we have: archives, digest version)

== UPDATE ==: we're set to go. Going to launch this weekend or start of next week.

-- Survey stuff --- CODING

Jared is working on making our software talk LDAP. Should be running over the weekend, and linux survey will be out by Monday.

-- Wiki --- STABLE

I'm kinda in charge of this one. I'm looking into using TikiWiki? (php) for our stuff and abandoning the TWiki. (maybe). I'll also look into LDAP support. But for now the TWiki is doing an ok job (need to get images back... will do over the weekend).

== UPDATE ==: images back!

-- Linux Distro Mirror --- PLANNING

talked about this a bit. we need:

Then, after ready to go:

== UPDATE == going to communicate with necessary people. Hope to have mirror up late next week or week after. (medium priority)


I need to write docs for Goddard so that he can install it. Then we need to find a nice GUI for people to interact with it online.

(we also need the docs for our cs majors and the documentation that we want to write for them)

-- Sidecar --- PLANNING

Need to talk to Cochran about reverse engineering it. Hopefully that can start something during next week.

== UPDATE == okay, I'll talk to Cochran on monday. I'll start working on general aspects tomorrow (Sun).

RobinsonTryon - 04 Apr 2003