Over the years there have been a lot of events that have recieved much press or noteriety.
Nodes listed here should probably be
cross listed?, and so we should continue to look for relevant places to link in these topics. In the end, if we find other places for these links, we could remove them from this page (OTOH, it can be useful to have a list of '
Big Events')
- Swim Team Cut? -- it came back, but still a big story
- The Zetemouth?
- Zantop Murders?
- Student Life Initiative
- Door Lock Controversy?
- Computer Science 4 Cheating Scandal
- Themed Fraternity Parties? -- controversy over 'Lu'au Party?', Cinqo de Mayo Party?, Cuban Party? -- that was also called Miami Vice Party?, Ghetto Party?
- Psi U Taunting Incident?
- Abercrombie and Fitch Asian T Shirts?
( thanks to articles from
TheD for suggesting some of these topics )
RobinsonTryon - 08 Mar 2003