DOSC TWiki snapshot as of mid-2005



Dartmouth has many people interested in Ham Radio and packet radio.

We have a call sign (W1ET).

The packet radio stuff is down at ThayerHall?.


The official website of Dartmouth's Ham Radio folks is at


They used to be held weekly on friday at 4:00, but due to lack of interest are held infrequently.

Interestingly, the local Linux group is probably going to have meetings every Friday around 3 or 4. The meetings are actually going to be about technology, computing, linux, and lots of other neat related stuff. There are a number of people who are interested in both Linux and Ham Radio (like JosephHill).

(UPDATE: Weekly Meetings are here! -- We'd love to have some HAM people stop by and chill with us).

Other stuff


If you're interested in Ham Radio, talk to Ed Cooley (at Thayer).

RobinsonTryon - 02 Feb 2003