DOSC TWiki snapshot as of mid-2005



While reading an article on SlashDot about MS Office ? 2003 and XML, I found this comment quite interesting:

 Re:Grrrrrr (Score:5, Interesting)
 by Junior J. Junior III (192702) on Thursday March 13, @01:18PM (#5504743)

    Some of us have to operate in the [[real world]] where most [[computer users]] couldn't give two fifths of a fourth of a crap about XML or [[open standards]].

    They should.

[[Most people should]] vote, keep up with [[current events]], be knowledgable about history, be able to program their VCR, and floss their teeth, too.

But don't expect that they will. 

Anyhow the comment got me thinking, and I decided to make a wiki node? about it.

Mission statement?

Starting with JJJ's list above, this node is dedicated to things that people should do or known. Please add to it as you feel necessary.

The Things

RobinsonTryon - 14 Mar 2003