Posters -- previews/finals of the posters we're putting up
Content -- (and layout, etc..)
- Mandatory content:
- Date, time, Location
- (group name? -- is it "Dartmouth LUG" ?)
- Eye-catching content:
- Free food (pizza and soda, primarily)
- Prizes (describe them as "door prizes" ??)
- Free Software (both "Free Software", and software that is available at no charge.. :)
- Pictures of Tux (include the one with the rocket launcher)
- Other content:
- text (at the bottom) that tells people to backup data if they want to install linux (?)
Poster Ideas
- Picture of Tux w/ his rocket launcher, with text like "Fed up with your Windows computer crashing all the time? Try Linux"
- Something for the geek/technically-oriented people.
- source code for something -- maybe source code for the kernel
- picture of a terminal with commands like "> ftp; > get sandwich" and the message: "don't you wish that you could do everything at the command-line?", "Show up for the linux installFest on DATE .... Even if you've got linux running on your desktop, laptop, and toaster, we'd love to talk with you about some of our cool projects"
- (kind of technical, but not necessarily) -- picture of blue screen of death as the background with words on top: "Blue in the face? Try Linux, and you won't be rebooting your machine all the time..."
- for cs majors: "Do you like to code? Why not make something useful -- it might look good on your resume someday. Come to the Linux InstallFest to learn more about open source programming."
- "On how many machines do you have root?"
- for cs49 people: have a big picture (NFA or PDA or something), with Carson60 as the start state and the location of the install fest as the only "happy" state. Label the entire chart as "HW #6.5"
- "Linux. You heard someone mentioned the name once. Maybe you read that it was a free operating system that was powerful and reliable. Do you want to learn more? Go to the installfest....."
- "Software is like sex: it's better when it's free, --Linus Torvalds"
- "Free software. linux install fest. free food. cool people. be there!"
- "Where do you want to go today? Dude. change of plans -- go to the linux installfest"
- MIGHT BE GOOD CHOICE for a long banner that wraps around part of a building or something... "In xxxx Linux Torvalds wrote an operating system called Linux, and then he did something revolutionary: he gave it away..."
- Have a series of posters entitled "Cool Linux Features" or something:
- "Feature #1 -- With multiple desktops, you can have 10+ applications open at once, all visible by cycling through the desktops" (probably should include a picture)
- "Feature #5 -- 3-button mice!"
- "Feature #8 -- Linux runs on just about any hardware: my desktop, my laptop, my PDA, XBOX, playstation2, dreamcast, ....."
- "Feature #14 -- OpenOffice, Abiword, and Gnumeric can read all of my Microsoft Word and Excel documents."
- "Feature #6 -- the terminal"
- Some (bigger) poster with the Win XP SP3 EULA, especially the part about installing software automatically.
RobinsonTryon - 14 Nov 2002