The Dosc Projects and Services are tied together because some of the services or software that we provide started out as a project.
In that regard, some content might be listed under both projects and under services.
- The Wiki -- our collaborative online tool that hosts documentation, etc...
- Dosc Calendar -- COMING SOON! We will have a online calendar in which we can store event data, etc...
- Dosc Mailing Lists -- our mailing lists and archives of messages.
- Dosc Chat -- COMING SOON! -- Chat away the afternoon using DND-authed Jabber.
- Dosc CVS -- COMING SOON! -- All of our projects will be available in our CVS system. You can even start a new project if you feel ambitious!
- Dosc Linux Mirror -- COMING SOON! -- Linux Distributions like Debian, Mandrake, and RedHat are going to be available from our local mirror on campus.
RobinsonTryon - 10 Apr 2003