DOSC TWiki snapshot as of mid-2005



Cool beans!

Here are a bunch of my random ideas. If you feel like implementing any of them, let me know!

Who knows if I'll have the time to help out, but it would be neat to hear what you're doing (especially if you're successful!)

(If you think that I shouldn't implement any of them -- like perhaps the nanobot toothbrush? or the flammable hat?, maybe you have some valid points I should hear... so let me know that too).

Test pages/stuff

...just some test pages... nothing to see.. move right along... :-)

Linux/Free software (mostly Dartmouth-related)

* NewNodularStructureTool -- a long name for a project (or a few different but similar projects) that Sam and Jared and I have been considering for a few months now. Basically combining database + wiki + some more structure and stuff.

Other Dartmouth Stuff

For the Wiki (or whatever it becomes in the future)

Install size  
primary website  
docs available where?  
lead developers  
| etc.... | |
So that then you could just put all that into a database, and then could use it for support questions? when they come in, etc....
(We could perhaps do this using the Web Forms?...)



Random Stuff


* nothing much, just playing with the idea of keeping information in a wiki-format. RobinsonTryonHomework


RobinsonTryon - 24 Oct 2002