DOSC TWiki snapshot as of mid-2005



Hi! This is the "Newbie Help" page

If you don't find what you're looking for on this page, feel free to email or ask questions on our mailing lists. We're here to help!

Starting with Linux

For general linux tips and tricks, see Linux Documentation. We'll be adding to that resource as well as revamping all of the how-to information on the wiki.

As well, we might be creating the Tux Library of Computer Science and you can borrow books from that (I have this nice thick book about setting up and admining Linux that I might donate).

All about the DOSC

First, check out the page About Dosc.

If you're interested in Linux or OSS in general, stop by one of our meetings. (see Weekly Meetings for more information).

Also, jump on one or more of our mailing lists (Dosc mailing lists), and feel free to start asking questions. We'll have archives up soon so that you can see how much traffic is on the lists and can get a feel for the type of messages that have been sent.

Our Jabber sever will also be live soon, and you can communicate with us using that technique as well (see Dosc Chat).

How to use the wiki

Take a look at the wiki and welcome to the wiki.

Once you've gained a certain level of experience navigating the wiki, try adding some content. If you're a bit hesitant, just play around in the "Test" web -- it's designed to be a sandbox for learning and experimentation.

RobinsonTryon - 10 Apr 2003